
Scouts - 10½ to 14 years

Jump in and get muddy. Give back and get set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.

Where are we?

The Scouts meet at:

Christ Church
34 Crescent Rd
N8 8AX
Meeting Times
Fridays - 19:00 to 21:00

Due to our active programme, we often meet outside of these times as well.

News & Blogs

On Friday, 26th Jan, the scouts had a visit from an old friend of the group with his bagpipes to celebrate Burns Night.

They had ago at the highland games along with trying Haggis, Neeps, and tatties washed down with Tizer.
Finally, they all had a chance to try the bagpipes and discovered how hard it was with just one or two scouts making a squeak.

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Christ Church Scout Group has managed to continue Scouting, whilst at home.

All members have been given the oppotunity to attend online sessions every week.

Scouts have participated in several online sessions including:

A visist from a Roman Centurian.

A talk from the RNLI

Joint International online sessions

A visist from an Alpaca farm

Musical Bingo

Cartoon Drawing Workshop

Martial Arts

The Forensic Experince

Essex Reptile Experince 

Christ Church Scout Group will contine you to provide online Scout sessions untill face to face Scouting can resume.


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Christ Church (Hornsey) Scout Troop

Christ Church, 34 Crescent Rd, Hornsey, London, N8 8AX

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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